Stainless steels milih bewara fabrikasi weling
Whatsapp:+8613252436578 E-mail:sale@welding-honest.com 1. Physical properties of austenitic stainless steel High resistivity - under the premise of the same current, more heat is generated per unit of time Large coefficient of linear expansion - Under the same temperatur...Maca deui -
Kasimpulan prosés las stainless steel
Whatsapp:+8613252436578 E-mail:sale@welding-honest.com 1. Classification and physicochemical characteristics Organizational form Common Specific Typical Ferritic body type 1. High resistivity 2. Poor thermal conductivity 1Excellent stress corrosion resi...Maca deui -
Kasimpulan prosés las baja karbon
Whatsapp:+8613252436578 E-mail:sale@welding-honest.com 1. classification According to the amount of carbon content, carbon steel can be divided into the following three categories: 1) Low carbon steel C% ≤ 0.25 2) Medium carbon steel 0.25<C%≤0.6 3) High carbon steel C...Maca deui -
Panggih tina las-jujur
Upami anjeun kabetot dina fabrikasi las, anjeun tiasa nambihan whatsapp+86 13252436578, atanapi kunjungan halaman wéb kami: www.welding-honest.com. Las mangrupakeun metoda ngagabung nu dua padet dipisahkeun ngagabung babarengan ku gaya beungkeutan antara atom ku métode fisik jeung kimia luyu, Objék dilas:...Maca deui